Monday, January 6, 2014

Exercise to be Fit and Eat to be Healthy

So many of us, myself included, lose touch with what the real purpose of exercise and food are for. We get so caught up in the numbers game -  how much do I weigh, how many calories did I eat - that we lose sight of the big picture. Our main focus should be our health. Yes, being overweight isn't good for our health, but there are so many other things worse for us and we need to focus more on that.  Exercise to be fit and ready to be able to accomplish anything that  needs to be done, or be in shape enough that you are physically able to do anything you want. Eat to be healthy  not just thin. If thin were your only goal you could live on rice cakes and carrot sticks, but you wouldn't be getting the nutrients you needed. Eat nutrient dense foods to fuel your body so it has the energy and tools it needs to function. The beauty of this? If you are staying active and eating well, the numbers will just fall into place all on their own.