Monday, April 28, 2014

Keep On Shooting

I used to coach basketball. I had the young, timid girls who were afraid to make mistakes and lose the game for the team. I would tell them about Wayne Gretzky, one of the best NHL players ever. He has shot records that stack a mile high...... but he also missed - a lot. I would tell them, "If you shoot the ball, there is a chance you will miss, yes, but there is also a chance it could make it in. However, if you never shoot the ball you are guaranteed to never make it." SHOOT THE FREAKING BALL!! Don't let fear of failure keep you from trying something. Yes, you could fail, but it's a guaranteed fail if you don't try. The more you try, the more your chances are of making the shot. Shoot. Miss. Shoot again, and keep shooting until you get it down and make it in.