Friday, December 5, 2014

5 Ways To Keep Moving When You Sit At A Desk All Day

I'm sure this is what I look like on days that I spend a lot of time sitting in front of my computer. I am one of the fortunate souls that has a job that keeps me moving, so I am not used to prolonged bouts of sitting. Most of us however, aren't so lucky and spend most of our days on our backsides. This is detrimental to your health and body. Here are a few tips to keep you moving throughout the day. I guarantee if you start following these simple tips you will notice a huge difference not only in how you feel but how much more clear headed and productive you are.

We have evolved into a very sedentary people. We hop in our cars to sit in traffic on the way to work - sit at a desk all day - get back into the car and sit in traffic once again to get home - when we get home we are mentally tired from our long day so we sit in front of the television to de-stress..... heck, if you really wanted to you could sit in your car on the way home to get your meal, you don't even have to stand to prepare that if you didn't want to.

Even if you are an active person, and come home and run 10 miles after a long day of sitting, that long day of sitting can still have adverse effects on your health. It's important to keep your joints moving and your blood flowing to all the recesses of your body: things get stiff and pool up if you don't. Keep your body moving with these simple tips:

1. TAKE A BREAK EVERY 30 MINUTES. Get up and move. Walk over to the water cooler, take a stroll to the farthest copy machine you have to make your copies, take a potty break: even something as simple as walking to one end of the room and back with help to get the blood flowing again. It doesn't even have to take a huge chunk out of your day, just get up and move. If one minute is all you have to spare, then just take one minute, but take it. You will be happier if you take these mini-breaks, and because blood is flowing to the brain you will be more productive as well - can't complain about that! If you have to, set a timer. I know how it can be when you're in the zone: 30 minutes can quickly turn into an hour or two. Let that timer remind you it's time for a really short break. Occasionally I won't take it because I'm too in the zone, but most of the time I do, and that is better than never taking one at all!

2. DESK EXERCISES. Since the objective is to stretch the joints and get the blood flowing, just stand and do a few exercises at your desk:
  • Stretch your neck from side to side
  • Stretch out your back by bending over and reaching for your toes for a few seconds and then put your hands on your hips and bend backwards and look at the ceiling.
  • With your hands still on your hips twist your torso slowly from side to side.
  • Do a few push-ups on your desk. Even if you can't do a push-up, you can do one from your desk or the wall behind you.
  • Now, do a few windmill exercises. Put your arms out to your sides, like a T. Bend down and touch your right hand onto your left knee or foot (depending on how flexible you are), stand back up to your T, then touch your left hand onto your right knee or foot. Repeat this 10 times.
  • If you are in a secluded area where people aren't really watching you, or if you're like me and just don't care, do a few jumping jacks. This will really get the blood flowing and get your heart rate up a little bit. The best exercise when you don't have a lot of room!
3. TAKE A LUNCH WALK. Make sure to have some comfy shoes with you at the office and take a walk during your lunch break. Even if it's just around the building once, or a quick jaunt up and down the stairs, it will help to get the blood flowing and the brain re-activated. Make it a social event by inviting your co-workers with you. My husband goes on a walk every single day during his lunch hour, and people started to take notice: now he has the walking brigade that goes with him. People will take notice and start to follow along.

4. ASK YOUR EMPLOYER FOR A HYDRAULIC DESK. Another tip that my husband did - he's such a great guy (yes, maybe I am a little prejudice). If you can swing it a hydraulic desk is awesome because you can stand to work, or sit when you finally get tired of standing. Options are always great. And hey, while you are standing there working, throw in a few squats now and again.

5. TAKE A CONFERENCE CALL ON THE GO. If you have a conference call scheduled, take it on a walk with you. You can walk and talk on the phone at the same time - I do it all of the time! When I'm on the phone I wander around while I'm talking. While you're at it, if you need to talk with someone in another office, instead of calling them, walk over to their office if time permits and talk to them in person. Face time is always important and it gets you up and moving.

It really is the little things that make all of the difference. Give these tips a try, and I promise you'll notice a difference. You'll wonder how you went so long without them.