Monday, March 31, 2014

Dedication - It's Different For All Of Us

My motivation here on the weight shed it to help you become the healthiest person you can. Most of us are not out to become the next runway model or body building champion: we are normal people with normal lives and we all have different passions. That's why my focus is to exercise to be strong and eat to be healthy, not to badger you to be skinny, have big biceps or be able to run a marathon....... unless that's what you want for yourself.

I found the blog "weirdly shaped" on one of those days where you spend way too much time in front of the computer doing absolutely nothing - one site leads to another, which leads to another....... don't tell me you have never been there before! She has done some pretty great "motivational" posters that I think are awesome and I want to give a shout out to her. Check them out! They will inspire, are realistic, and will put a smile on your face.