I love flavor. Anything that will give the food I am eating a kick of flavor is a win in my book. Here is a pesto recipe that I have adapted to be lower in fat than traditional pesto, but still kickin' it with that all important flavor that I love! It's great to have on hand for sandwiches, pastas, eggs, or whatever needs a bit of a basil bomb. I will have some recipes in the future featuring this wonderful little pesto (starting with the most amazing sandwich next week!), but in the mean time, here is the recipe for your delightful little spread - play around with it on your own and let me know what you put it in.
1 Handful Fresh Basil
1/3 Cup Grated Parmesean
2 Tb. Olive Oil
1/3 Cup Pine Nuts
1 Tb. Minced Garlic
Put all ingredients in a food processor or blender (I used my amazing Vitamix that my man got me for Christmas!!). Blend until a smooth spread.
Enjoy as an additive to pasta, eggs, sandwiches instead of mayo, or any Italian dish you want a little extra basil flavoring.