I love french fries. They are one of my many weaknesses, and I could sit down and eat an entire large order of fries all by myself. I so desperately would love for this greasy, starchy food to be good for me, so I have decided to write a post about the health benefits of french fries, because everyone knows if it's on the internet it must be true. I'm here to put it in writing so it will become a hard fact truth - FRENCH FRIES ARE GOOD FOR YOU!
The funniest thing about this statement is, we all know that french fries are not good for us, yet in my research of putting this post together I actually found some sites that are touting the health benefits of this salty snack: anything from extra fiber in your diet to the potassium boost that potatoes will give you. There is no denying that potatoes are good for you, they do in fact have a great potassium kick, provide a decent amount of Vitamin B-6 and are a great source of whole foods and fiber. However, slicing them up, throwing them in a vat of hot grease, and then covering them adequately with salt (and most people ketchup) - ya, not so much.
So, here's my rub, and the point of this little exercise. Just because something is on the internet, it doesn't make it true.
I know that most people know this, and I am not here to offend or make you feel like an idiot, but when it comes to nutrition and health things are so confusing it's hard to know what's true or not. There are so many fad diets and "super foods" out there it's hard to now what's good for you. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: Most fads, whether they are a fad diet or a fad food, are pimped out by someone who is looking to make a buck. They don't care about your health, only your pocketbook.
There are a lot of "studies" out there, and "new research" showing this food or that diet are good for you. Too many people take an article making it's rounds on the interwebs and take it seriously, without doing their own research to see how legitimate the claims being made are. It's extremely important that you take your health into your own hands, do your research, ask your questions, and find out for yourself because not everyone has your best interest at heart.
If something is gimmicky or too good to be true..... well you know the saying. The biggest key to heath is whole foods in as natural state as possible and variety. I go over my Top 5 Nutritional Musts in this post - beyond that use your smarts and do your research.
The thing is, if you really want something to be true, with enough sleuthing around you will find something supporting your desire. So, now my desire has been met. French fries are good for me, because I just made the internet say so.